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We’re Podean.

The origins of our company name tell you about the kind of company we are.

You see, Podean hails from “antipodean”, which means a point at the other side of the Earth, and most commonly used by the British who sent convicts to Australia.

So the term has multiple meanings for us as it relates to our heritage, conjures notions of exploration, of shaping the unknown, and of succeeding against the odds.

This is why our approach to marketplace management – and driving success on Amazon especially – is different. We are a strategic consultancy designed to ensure Amazon is both profitable and driving incremental sales.

Believe it or not, our competitors focus on topline sales and media performance metrics… but we know a great ACOS or ROAS doesn’t pay the bills.

If you’re looking for a more sophisticated approach – and long term success, please get in touch.


Mark and Travis

How We Can Help

Quite simply, we have experts to cover every capability required for marketplace success all under one roof.

(**Or many rooves actually, with our teams across the world)

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